PARENT Training
We understand the vital role parents, caregivers, and professionals play in a child's development. Both our parent consultation and ongoing support models, led by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), offer 1:1 guidance to help families and professionals navigate the complexities of a child's behavioral, medical, or educational needs, wherever you are located.
One of our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) first conducts an initial assessment, which consists of a comprehensive evaluation to identify strengths and areas for improvement for your child. You and the BCBA then collaborate to develop individualized goals for your child. This is where the BCBA addresses any questions & concerns, and recommends tailored behavioral strategies. You and the BCBA then do practical, one-on-one training in implementing the recommended strategies. We then track and monitor progress over time, making the necessary adjustments, to promote long-term behavioral change in your child.